Thursday, May 13, 2010


Well yesterday was the final critique in my painting class. Pretty happy with how they all turned out even though I am NOT a painter and had to take the class. Was fun, but won't be doing much more besides maybe some watercolor this summer. They are also all for sale if you see something that you cant live without!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Moscow Mountain

So Sunday I had the brilliant idea to go hike Moscow mountain. The weather was decent and everyone wanted to do something outside so the crew was assembled, and off we went. Everyone sweat and whined the whole way up, but the view at the top makes it all worth it if you ask me. This was the first time I have been up there by foot power rather than on my bike. I would have paid a substantial amount of money to have my bike and gear dropped off by helicopter at the top so I could bomb the entire way down.


Adobe CS5 is going to be the coolest software ever. Check out these new photoshop features that make a lot of what you know about photoshop useless.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where the title of the blog comes from

If you don't already know, it is a Tribe Called Quest song. One of my favorites from one of my favorite bands. Check it out!

Here is another one of a cool TE72 drifting with the song in the background.

Toffe Apple with a hint of JDM from Mez Productions on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

World Cup Spots

Starting to see more and more World Cup commercials on TV which makes me really excited. Here is the best World Cup commercial of all time.

Blast From the Past

As the school year winds down, and rush is around the corner, I wanted to post this throwback video from a few years ago.

Every kid that comes through rush, and even some that don't always seem to ask me if "I am that guy in the crazy green shirt." Yes that is me, and that is NOT a shirt, it is the jersey of my beloved Chelsea Blues.

Cool Design for Tuesday

Found this on which is a pretty cool design blog I check out regularly.

I don't like wine very much, but when I do get it label design has 80% to do with my decision. Might be the worst logic ever but I'm still breathing so whatever.


Well the season has came down to the last game that will be played on Sunday. The League is Chelsea's to lose at this point. One point ahead of Man U, it all comes down to the last game. Chelsea has Wigan at home, and Man U at Stoke. Both games on at 8am on Sunday so that will be rough.


look at Drogba's touch on the second goal. Probably the best first touch I have ever seen in my life.

Chelsea have won 3 games this season where they scored 7 goals. Ridiculous. Chelsea somehow lost to Wigan once this year, and Man U is without the bridge troll Wayne Rooney. Should be a good "Super Sunday"

Monday, May 3, 2010


Well today the winds are upwards of 30 mph here in Moscow. Pretty cool except for my kite flying spot was crazy muddy from the rain. Only managed a few little jumps before I had to leave. Lame. Here are some vids of what NOT to do with a power kite.